Resort Description
Make yourself at home at a Bluegreen Vacations resort
Even the most seasoned traveler misses the comforts of home, but you won't at a Bluegreen resort. Wake up in a spacious but cozy bedroom suite with your own full bathroom-the kids have one too, so no lines and no waiting. Smell the coffee brewing and bacon sizzling in your own kitchen. Sprawl out with the family in the living area and catch a flick on your flat screen TV. Put on a load of laundry in your own washer and dryer so you don't have to do it back home. Step out on your balcony and survey the oversized resort pool you'll be jumping into soon.
Comfort, Space and Amenities No Hotel Stay Can Match
Unlike a typical hotel room or even a large hotel suite, Bluegreen resort accommodations consistently deliver more square footage, more amenities and more opportunities to make your family feel right at home.
Bluegreen resorts offer a variety of accommodations to meet your family's needs-from studios to 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom suites, grand Presidential suites with up to four bedrooms, and spacious townhomes.
Among the most popular accommodations are two-bedroom suites that include living rooms, full kitchens, balconies and more. They are the perfect size for most Bluegreen Vacations owner families.